Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's Not a Snowman, It's a Latte Stone

Carlito Rozanski with Latte stone
This blog entry has nothing to do with dogs, and everything to do with friendship.  I love contrast and an old friend in Guam illustrates it with a simple picture on his Facebook. In this photo you see my pal, Carlito. That is not snowman, that is a Latte stone. Ancient Chamorros sculpted them from limestone. Of course there's no snow in Guam either, which tells me Carl was probably in Japan. I spent a lot of time with Carl riding around the island in our little white Guam Cable TV news car, complete with rainbow logos on the sides. We always had fun. And what would a ride with Carlito be without a side trip to the corner store to pick up some beetle nut? Beetle nut is the island equivalent of chewing tobacco, and it turns your spit blood red.  I reconnected with my Palauan pal just the other day by way of Facebook.  It's Carlito's way, and Facebook is the way of the world.

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